Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kailey's Room

All my kids have their names on their doors. I made them. I am so crafty :)
Her Big Girl Bed. You can kind of see her window seat and "tea party" light
This is where bitty baby lives.

The light came from Ellie's room in our old house

There is a cute ladybug picture on the wall now where the flower stickers are. She sleeps in her toddler bed, and I have no intention of rocking the boat at this point :)

This is Violet. She sleeps on the bed. 

 Kailey moved into Ellie's old room. It hasn't changed much. The wall colors are still the same. Some of the pictures are the same. But Kailey doesn't remember, nor does she care. She loves her "big girl" room.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When I Watch Too Much TV...

So, this week, I was watching my netflix on my roku box. I am in love with my roku box. Most of the time.

Today, not so much...

There was this documentary on there called "The business of being born." I'd read about this particular show before, but never really knew much about it. So I thought I'd put it on while doing some laundry.

I didn't make it past about 15 minutes. I was that hacked off, that I just shut it off.

Disclaimer: What follows is a rant.

This so-called documentary is all about "natural" childbirth. As in unmedicated birth, which is a more proper term. (unless you got your baby from some sort of test tube or egg contraption, all childbirth is natural.)  I am not opposed to unmedicated birth. There is nothing at all wrong with it. I am, however, opposed to any sort of film that shows one side of a very complex story, and makes it seem as any other way is wrong. These people talked about how modern medicine had "screwed up" childbirth. They put down those who received any sort of drugs, including induction, as failures and interfering with the "natural order" of things. What an incredibly sad disservice this is for women. Women who may or may not have the options these women have. Modern medicine is a good thing. Lest we forget, it wasn't that long ago that many women died routinely during childbirth. Many women have health issues. Many babies  have complications. And many uncomplicated pregnancies end with bad outcomes during delivery.

Modern medicine saved my life. It also saved two of my children's lives during delivery. Had I went the "natural" route, I wouldn't be here to be ranting about this. Had I waited "until the time is right" one of my babies would most certainly not be here. The mother probably wouldn't be, either. She was getting very ill.

Maybe that is why this irritates me so much. I made choices that I had to during my pregnancies and deliveries that would help my children and I come out of this alive. I, along with my doctors and specialists, made decisions that were based on this. I am happy with my choices. Proud, even.  But, I utterly hate, hate, hate, hearing anything that attempts to undermine those choices. That says that if I hadn't had to induce my babies, we would have had shorter labors, better outcomes, etc, etc.

I have good outcomes. My children are healthy. I am incredibly thankful for that. I don't tell all the details to very many people of those deliveries. Most people won't go through what I did. What my babies did. And for that I am also thankful.

So producers of this documentary, listen up. You can be happy you had a baby with no medication. However, you may not put down those that had to. Or chose to. You never know what kinds of motivation comes with those choices.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ellie's Room

 She chose the turquoise all by herself. I admit, I was a bit reluctant, but it turned out so cute!

 She LOVES her bunk bed. I am so proud of myself. Those bedspreads were only $15 each!

 She has a giant mirror that will go on her wall in that big empty space, but I have to paint it still.

 The custom curtain Nana made. Yeah, I know, I am VERY spoiled with my window treatments!  I need to climb up and pin it back together.
Where the American girls live. She wants a beanbag to read her books. Maybe some other time...

I will freely admit that Ellie doesn't get much of her design taste from her mother. I would have NEVER, EVER bought that turquoise of my own free will. But it is adorable on her wall, and so "big girl." I found the bedspreads at target and they just made the wall color pop so much. She does have a bathroom in her room that is going to be hot pink and turquoise, you know, when time permits. Maybe some cold day this winter. I am a huge fan of the flower stickers on the wall. That is one of man's greatest inventions. Cheap, and easy to change!
Landon's and Kailey's will follow soon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Me- "How about you start going potty on the big girl potty."
K- "No I never going to sit on dat big girl potty. I gonna look at dat big girl potty, but I never sit on it."

Me- "It's nap time!'
K- "No, I never take a nap. Ever. I don't love naps"

K- "Mama, I gonna go up and throw Landon out of his crib"
Me- "No, Kailey, you can't, that will hurt Landon."
K- "Well, I just gonna get him up, and I drop him on the floor veeerry softly" No worries, all 23 pounds of her couldn't heave all 17 pounds of him anywhere :)

K- sitting in her bumbo "Dis is my bumbo." puts her feet on Landon's bumbo "And dis is my bumbo, too."

K- "Mama, guess what?"
Me- "What?"
K- "Do you know the muffin man?"

K- "Dat Slobber!!! Mama, wipe that Landon's slobber"

And of course, good old Ellie
"Now mom, make sure you put on makeup before the people come over so it looks like you showered"

The boy is going to be sweet and wonderful. I just know it...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Storm

Somehow, we will get through it all...

I meant to post pictures of the kids rooms. I am so proud of what we have done to them.

I wanted to show you my babies in their recent photo session. 
And then the storm hit.

Something we never saw coming, something we could not ever have avoided. Something that could blow over, or something that could cost us everything and then some.

Something I would be foolish to ever discuss on the internet. But that many of you already know. 

How we will come out of this, I have no idea. How we will survive during it, I also have no idea. 

All I know is this: we will get through it together. And we will cry. And we will pray. And we will come out, one way or the other, on the other side of this hot mess as a family. 

That's where I've been. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

My First Haircut

Look at my big boy haircut!

Do you see I got my ears and neckline all trimmed up?

Landon got his first haircut today. He wasn't amused. He cried and cried, and not even his favorite person in the world, Ellie, couldn't make him happy. But when it was all over, he looked so handsome. The store people were in love with him, and could not believe his hair. I did feel a bit bad for the mommy with the little girl behind us getting her first haircut. She was probably Kailey's age, but she had way less hair than my boy. And all the people were oohing and aahing over my boy. But not that bad :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chocolate Milk Detox

Kailey is an addict. I am her enabler loving mother that let this happen.

You see, she has a great love of chocolate milk. She drinks it all day long. She asks for it first thing in the morning. She carries it all around the house. That right there has become a huge problem. You see, we started finding chocolate milk cups stashed around the house. Chucked on the floor anywhere. Under beds, in toy boxes, purses, laundry, etc. Hidden from sight. Now you can imagine what that is like when we find it 3 days later...

Anyways, here she is, drinking her milk. And eating nothing. Nothing at all. Because food does not compare to her love of chocolate milk. I saw the warning signs of addiction. Her whole focus of being has revolved around where her chocolate milk is. The way she sucks it down as fast as she can. The way she hides the evidence. And I, the tired new mother, kept giving it to her to keep her from melting down. And when she'd lose one cup, I'd give her a new one. And another. And another.

I know, so unlike me.

Finally I realized how much she is actually drinking. The numbers aren't pretty. At least 54 oz a day. Well, thats just got to stop. No wonder she doesn't eat. No wonder she is all of 23 pounds.

So into detox she went. One cup in the morning, and one with dinner. Thats it.

It isn't pretty. There has been a lot of screaming, crying, throwing oneself onto the floor, begging, pleading, and all out temper. But 3 days into it, I think she has gotten the message, and is starting to accept that sometimes, we only drink water. And we don't die from it. And now we sometimes eat some food. Because when you are not filled with milk all the time, you get pretty hungry every now and then.

Will this kick the habit? Probably not completely. Relapse can happen even with the most determined of recovering addicts. And this one isn't all that determined. Here's to hoping, though.

PS: Took a couple room pics today. Maybe this weekend...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cleaning and Scrubbing

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, "

(although clearly today would be better)

"For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow."

 (like from this..
to this in seconds, apparently)

"So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,"
(big sister, get your homework done)

"I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep."

 (you are so sweet and cute and fluffy)

  (sleep well,little guy. you'll be big too soon)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Attitude and New Princess

I read the most lovely story today while feeding my son. ( I have been to the end of the internet and back feeding babies.) A wife and husband and their children are having a hard time making ends meet. There is no money, no time, and so much work to do. A woman tells the wife that it is her duty to make a nice home and cheerful attitude so that her husband can better himself and be more motivated to work hard to support the family. So, she puts on her prettiest dress, cleans the house, cooks, and flirts with the banker that is coming discuss foreclosure on their farm. In the end, she realizes that the stranger woman was right, and look how much better things can be for them. It was a lovely story.
It had a nice end.

That is not the way things work at my house.

I believe this story does have a good morale though. Attitude and gratitude will get you the directions you want to go. Sometimes, it helps so much to just take a shower and dry my hair, after I have washed dishes, and washed floors, and washed diapers and babies. I have began to make my bed every day, something that hasn't happened in years. Partially to keep myself from crawling back in, but also, because it feels so nice to have something clean and nice-looking. Yes, I pick up toys every single day. Because, in the morning, I like my home so much better when it is at least picked up. Sometimes, its the little things that make all the difference in the world. Its all how you look at it.

That being said, I went to target in my yoga pants with spit-up on my t-shirt today. Such is life :)

I must leave you with a picture of my new niece, Parker. I didn't know that aunts had a different section in their hearts for their nieces and nephews. A section that could love them endlessly and so completely. That part was opened up for me on Sunday night, when Parker came into the world. She will always be so special, because she has made me an aunt. I am head over heels in love with her, and it is all I can do not to bother her parents 6,000 times a day to let me come love on her.

Ellie and Parker
Doesn't he look huge! They weighed the exact same at birth.

Welcome to the family, sweet girl. You can never know how much joy you have brought me already, and you are just a few days old. I can't wait for you to show me how to be an Aunt. I can't wait to watch you grow up along side my own sweet babies. And I hope you will love me even a fraction of what I already love you.

And I hope your daddy bought a really big shotgun :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where Have I Been?

What a whirlwind few months we have had!

Here's a little about what's been happening here. After our boy made his appearance, life pretty much ground to a screeching halt. Taking three kids out is a daunting task. As in crazy, scary, do I have everything task. Especially when one is a perpetual eating machine, one strives to put herself in the most dangerous situation possible, and one complains about the babies at every chance she can.

I am hoping to post the big reveal pics of our room makeovers this week. Ellie's room is very close to being done, just needs a few finishing touches. Kailey's room is done, save for one lonely picture that needs to be hung. And Landon, well, that is my masterpiece that is almost done and I am SO excited about!

Our basement is finally finished up as well. After a whole year, we have the family room and bedroom done. And hopefully the bathroom will be sometime this winter.

Ellie started first grade this year, and is thriving. I think it was a relief to her to get out of the house and away from the little ones all day. Kailey spends every waking moment plotting what she can do to make my life hard. One minute she is as helpful as can be, and the next, she is destroying my house. And she has that look like the donkey on shrek, you just can hardly get mad at her for it.

Landon is huge. HUGE. MASSIVE. His sisters were never this giant. He has fat on his fat. His clothes are busting at the seams. Thank goodness we bought the carseat with the higher weight limit. Although I can hardly heave his giant body in the car these days.

As for me, I am officially a part time worker. Love it. May never work full time again. May strive to work less and less.

So, I will attempt to be better at this posting biz now that I am used to things. And maybe, just maybe, tomorrow there will be pictures.

Until then, I leave you with this. Because it is ridiculous.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Bit Of Fun

Not often you can fit in a bitty baby bed :)

All 3 of my kids have had their photo taken in this bed

The doll bed made my Matt's grandfather

Yeah, Ellie and I are mean, aren't we?

Kailey loves her baby! The feeling does not seem to be mutual...

Get that dolly away from me!
My sweet baby boy :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Moment of Peace

Loving on her baby brother

Isn't he to-die-for cute!

And she is pretty cute looking herself...don't be fooled, she is wickedly sassy

A quiet moment of peace...

I am having a rare moment of peace right now. That doesn't happen much these days. However, Ellie is at t-ball, Kailey is in bed, and Landon is right here in his sling sleeping away. I found my sling back today. Oh, how I needed that! I have 2 whole hands in which to stop hair-pulling, chocolate-milk-spilling, "she took that right out of my dollhouse" moments. Only one complaint was lodged, by Kailey during her Einstein-viewing just before bedtime "baby, MOVE!" And the poor little baby MIGHT have gotten shoved over just a bit so mickey mouse could occupy some precious little space left on my lap.
This is my life these days. And it is just fine with me :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

And Then There Were Three...

My sweet boy

Landon Jacob Mady joined our family on June 9, 2010, his aunt Emily's 19th birthday.

Better than a Vera Bradley bag...

7 pounds, 13 ounces, 19 inches long, he was my biggest baby. He has masses of dark black hair that sticks up everywhere.

He is so stinking cute!

His sisters are totally in love...
Big sister Ellie snuggling her new baby brother

Kailey cannot get enough of him! She just adores her baby.

And Daddy has his hands totally full...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And a few months later....

So, I took a little break from updating recently to get used to the major changes in our life. First, and most importantly, of course, is the new addition to our family. We are so very excited to be joining TEAM BLUE in June! Most of you know I have pretty complicated pregnancies, and two in less than two years has been rather hard on me. We have countless doctor visits, tests, ultrasounds, etc in front of us in the next few months. But of course, it is all worth it in the end. It always has been.
Since this little guy is going to be joining our lives, some other changes have to be made. I gave up my charge nurse position at the hospital. I needed to be home more with my kids, and to have more time to go to all these appointments. I also switched to night shift for the same reasons. Wow, that has been hard on me. I am hoping, though, that these changes are the steps towards me finally getting to stay home with my kids most of the time. I know that we would all benefit from having me home more. Already, we have.
In addition, we have to get a move on the basement. Gotta get that done, so we can get the kids rooms done. Ellie and Kailey will be sharing a room, and of course, Ellie has BIG ideas on what we are doing. And I am bound and determined to get the nursery I have never been able to do with my other two.
Ellie began riding the bus this semester. It was a huge big girl step that I was so proud of her for taking! She is insisting that next year, she will NOT be going to first grade, she will be staying home and homeschooling. Don't really think that is going to be an option next year ;)
Kailey is talking up a storm, and sassy as can be. She has so much to say, and she is so much like Ellie was at that age. She loves Elmo, Baby Einstein, playing babies, and going shopping. She about can't contain herself when we ask her if she wants to go to Target.

So, that is what is happening here! I would like to get some pics posted soon, and I will sure try! Our little man is doing very well, and of course, we already have an album full of ultrasound pics of him! The girls are super excited about getting a baby brother, and Ellie especially had enjoyed shopping for him.

And with that, my girl is beckoning me from her crib. Break time over!