Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Come See Our New House!

Want to follow our renovation? I had many requests to blog about our progress on our new house. I have chosen to do that in a separate site, so that our personal site remains what it has always been. So please feel free to visit us over there and keep track of our happenings!

The Diary of the "Ugly House"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What I am Teaching my Kids

A lot of things, actually. Have you ever been asked this question? It came up recently for us...

I am teaching them to be kind, respectful people, even if they don't always like to be or others are not.
I am teaching compassion for others.
I am teaching generosity, charity, and giving to those with so much less.
I am teaching that we don't scream in Target when things just don't go our way.

I am teaching that climbing the refrigerator to get your own chocolate milk is not safe.
I am teaching gratefulness, being thankful with what you have, and giving to others who have not.
I am teaching that we must always be polite to people we don't know.
I am teaching that I-pods don't grow on trees, and chucking them to the floor is a bad plan.
I am teaching that some people are disrespectful. That doesn't give you a reason to be disrespectful back.
I am teaching them that their sister is deathly allergic to cats. And that I protect her, just as I protect them.

I am teaching my children that sometimes, people treat you badly. Sometimes people are mean and hurtful. Sometimes, people make choices that hurt us, or those we love.
I am teaching that no one, ever, has the right to treat you, or those you love, badly. And when people prove they cannot treat you well, you must still be respectful. You do not, however, have to include that person in your life. You cannot change others, only how you let others affect you.

I am teaching them to be kind to each other, and that when your little sister or brother starts screaming at you or destroying your room, you do not have to include them in your activity.
I am teaching the brother and sister (and the big one, occasionally) that these are the consequences of choosing to be unkind.
I am teaching them that they are valuable, and they deserve to be treated with respect.
I am teaching them that I will always be on their side, even if others are not.

And quite honestly, I think I am doing a pretty good job.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Adventures

Well, it is ours officially. The ugly house is all ours. And of course, I left the camera there, so pictures must wait till later. It was a crazy week, filled with completely gutting the kitchen and bathroom, learning the finer points of removing wallpaper, why one should never use glue on wood paneling, how to handle ten thousand staples in a 10 x 10 area, and so on. The kids saw the house for the first time the day we closed. They were not impressed. Not at all. Kailey " I don't think this is a very good house. Is is not very good at all." Ellie pointed out that when she looked out the window, she could see lots of nice houses. And we should think about living in one of those. Landon, well, he dumped an entire bottle of bubbles on himself in the first 5 minutes we were there. And proceeded to enjoy coloring on the wallpapered walls. The fun an ugly house can bring.There will be pictures soon.

Ellie was sitting at the table at Grandma's when it was brought up that we needed something.

E- " We can just run to Target and pick that up."
Grandpa " There is no Target here, Ellie. You are going to have to learn that if you are going to live up here."
E- I know. That's so sad. But Target ships!"

That's my girl :)