Thursday, July 31, 2008

There Are Some Days...

...when you love your children so much it hurt. There are some days when everything they do makes you smile, makes you feel so grateful to have them in your life. And then there are some days when you understand why there are some species of animals that eat their young....
Today, is a pretty good day. We are getting ready for the lake, Ellie is picking and choosing what she is going to take. Kailey slept in her bouncy seat last night. She slept better that she has yet. And she started smiling last night, so I know that she doesn't completely hate us. Ellie is so excited to go to the lake. She can't wait to take the boat. Matt didn't want to take it at first, cause you know, gas to haul it, gas to run it. But he said Ellie would be so upset if we didn't. I think that was a daddy copout, if you ask me.
I knew mommyhood to two would be difficult. I did not expect the new baby to be so needy though. Ellie has been such a trooper through it all. But earlier this week, Kailey was screaming, Ellie was crying because she got in trouble for something, and they both were quivering their little lips in the same way. And they both have a birthmark over their right eyes that, when they get firey mad, reddens. I do sometimes smile at this.
And now, I have a screaming baby again, and a preschooler that has asked me for the thirtith time what she can do now. Oh, for a warm beach and a fruity drink....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Christian the Lion

This is just the most amazing video. I saw it on the Today show a few weeks ago and admit, I'm kinda obsessed with it. I even made Ellie watch it with me. Ok, I made her turn off cartoons so I could watch it again. Bad mommy! Make sure your sound is on!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

So Little Time...

Checking out my toys
Look, I have 2 chins!
Ellie playing in the plants.
Hi Mom!
Just trying out the tube!
We are going to the lake next weekend, so Ellie and Daddy got the boat out and cleaned up and ready. Kailey and I went out and helped for awhile, but we had to go inside when she got crabby. She is a crabby kid. Really, she only likes for me to hold her. She pitches a fit for Matt when he is trying to settle her down. She is a big time mommy's girl. Wants to be held constantly. I'm holding her now, as a matter of fact. I told him not to take it personally, she just knows I'm her food source.
I really think I could get more accomplished in a day if she didn't insist on being held continuously. I'm sure her reflux is a big part of it. I just remember Ellie was perfectly content to watch me, as long as she is near me. People say second children typically are more content because they learn to live with less attention. Well, either she missed that part in the book, or decided she didn't like it, because she screams and cries and pitches such a fit if we are not constantly at her beck and call. I know she probably hurts. I wish I could make it all go away. I can't stand it when she chokes. But, if she wants to eat, she's gonna have to let mama eat once in awhile too. (and not just standing in the pantry shoving teddy grahams in my mouth!)
But then, you know, Matt says this is our last baby. And if that is true, I am perfectly content to hold her all day. I know the day will come when I will wish for a baby to want me this badly. So, for right now, I guess the bathrooms won't get scrubbed and the dinner will be whatever I can throw together with one hand. And I will just enjoy my babies.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm Slacking...

I know it. We are doing all right here though. I need to take a few more pics and get them posted. I finally took Kailey to the doctor last week for her reflux. She got some zantac, which has helped her quite a bit. She still has trouble with choking and gagging, but not near so much, and she has been less fussy too. But she HATES the medicine. I tell you, I've drugged hundreds if not thousands of, lets say, reluctant children. And one way or the other, I am the winner. Not with this kid. Apparently she was studying while I was pregnant on how not to take medicine. She's good too. I've used all my tricks, and still we've ended up a sticky mess several times. But we're making it through. I'm just not used to this. Ellie asks for her medicine constantly and even can tell you the specific dose ("my mommy fills it to the 5..") Little druggie. Some days I feel like her dealer :)
Kailey is waking 2 times a night most nights to eat. Not bad, but Ellie began sleeping through the night about now. She takes awhile to get back to sleep, since she needs to be upright for quite a while after feedings. And no naps for me during the day either, since big sister won't allow such things. But really, sleep is overrated, right??

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just another day....

Kailey's one month pics

Big sister and little sister


Kailey in mommy's baby dress.
Ellie bowling with her class. Daddy went with her!
He said it was the longest few hours of his life..
Just chilling out, checking out this monkey..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kailey Discovers the Dog

Well, what are YOU supposed to be?
That is one wet nose.
Ellie, check out this crazy thing I found!
She is just so much bigger than me!
This is more my size. (the build a bear Ellie made for Kailey when she was born)
Kailey found Chloe yesterday. She just stared and stared at her. Chloe would lick her hand and Kailey would start kicking her legs and waving her arms. I think they like each other....
She slept better last night. She does OK when she is upright, so I think I'm going to have to figure out how to prop her bed up a bit more. Of course, she is still in the cradle in our room, so not sure how I'll manage that. She is filling out a lot more. I finally quit using preemie diapers on her and just use the newborns. They still seem too big, but I have them, and I was running out to buy preemies every 2 days. And that was getting to be a hassle. Not to mention, I really hate taking my brand new baby to germy old Target. You all know how I am about THAT!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Another Week Goes By....

Ellie and her really BIG sparkler! Forgot to get both girls in their 4th of July attire
Uh, who thinks teaching the 4 year old to play X-Box is a good idea?
Just snoozing away...
Chilling in my cozy seat.....
....just like my big sister 4 years ago.
Not too much tonight..Its hard to type with a baby who won't be put down. Kailey is rather fussy the last few days, so we have been busy with that. More later, just too hard to write with a foot on my laptop :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Matching Girls

Ellie and Kailey in their matching shirts
I think I'm too little for this, mom...
Ellie couldn't wait to have matching outfits when she found out she was getting a sister. These are the only things we could find that would fit both of them while Kailey is still a newborn. They already have some stuff for fall and winter, but she is still too little for them at the moment.
Kailey is starting to fatten up a bit. She wants to eat constantly, so I would think she'd grow sometime. I think we are going to have a lot of trouble with reflux with her as well. Ellie had trouble. She would vomit after each and every feeding, all over the place. I was bathing that girl constantly. Yet she was always happy and gaining weight (I never figured out how!) Kailey, on the other hand, has not thrown up once. She just gags, gasps, chokes and turns blue. I really hate that, because sometimes it is fairly silent until I hear her take a big breath in, and I pick her up. So neither of us has slept much the last few nights. I hold her upright after all her feedings, but the minute I lay her down, she's gasping and gagging. I was hoping to make it to her next well baby check to have her seen, but I just don't know. She is fussy when it happens too, like it hurts her. I take care of babies like this all the time, but it is easier in the hospital. I can slap them on a monitor and know exactly what they are doing, and watch them after feedings, and crank their beds upright. Its a whole different story at home. It's making for one tired mommy. Ellie however, has the perfect solution. She just stuffs the pacifier in her mouth at the first sign of a wimper. I know I hate pacifiers and I said my babies wouldn't be using them. However, I AM NOT going to be the pacifier, so thats that.