Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Every Girl Must Learn...

The Scene: Ellie and I are driving in the car...

Ellie: Mommy, want to learn my song from school?
Me: Sure
Ellie: Ok, I'll sing and you repeat. (sings song)
Me: repeating song after her (something about some bird that goes cheep cheep)
Ellie: Mommy, that was SO good! I mean, it took Daddy like, four times to get it right. I mean, seriously Mom, he just kept screwing it up!
Me: trying not to laugh Was Daddy just being silly?
Ellie: No Mommy, I don't think so. He just really didn't have a clue.

And with that, my sweet girl, you have just summed up the entire problem the rest of us have with men.


Pam, Kaden and Skyler said...

Thankfully Ellie has learned this at a young age!

lh said...

hey jill,

Totally off topic, but what did you say that board thing that ellie rides on the back of the stroller is called? I'd like to get the exact model you have (or at least the same brand)since you like it so much!

Jill said...

Its a Lascal Buggy Board and it looks just like this one:

I got mine at USA baby when they had a sale, but you can order them online at several places.