Monday, June 25, 2007


So, this would be the child who had her tonsils out 5 days ago. You sure wouldn't know it by looking at her. She just doesn't understand that we are holding her hostage to avoid dangerous complications of tonsillectomies. Nope, its all "My throat doesn't hurt,""I'm not sick anymore," "I just wanna go outside for a few minutes." I am breaking out all the suprises I have, but we are getting along. She is doing so much better every day, and we can see just how much sleep she has been losing now that she is actually getting a decent night's sleep. So we are watching the princess movie for the 500th time, and coloring.
She saw a picture of a friend of mine's babies. They just had twin boys. She just smiled at the pictures and said "awww, I want two baby sisters. That would be great!" Yeah, that would be just great, for someone else!

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